Quolls - Fast and Furious (Documentary)

60 Minutes, "Charles Wooley" Narrator for Quolls-Fast and Furious 
Charles Wooley

The natural storyteller that Australians have grown to admire, the unmistakable deep everyday voice of Charles Wooley from 60 Minutes, is now the Narrator for Quolls-Fast and Furious the first factual documentary on Australian Quolls soon to be released for television broadcast worldwide. Wooley, an advocate for Australian nature says, "his participation is another journalistic gratification to aid the plight of Australian speechless wildlife". Both the Australian Quoll Conservancy and WildCAM Australia, are delighted that Wooley responded to the voluntary call of "a six degree of separation" for a narrator launched earlier by WildCAM Australia. (image) Courtesy Richard Jupe http://ow.ly/LjRiF

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Congratulations to Producer / Director Alberto Vale of Wildcam Australia and all involved in this amazing body of work.

Wayne gets into the spirit of things symbolically holding a toy quoll in the palm of his hand in a snapshot taken by Rob as they prepared to score the music for "Quolls - Fast and Furious"

    Soon aired on the 9 network.

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